Fitness Monday – The Power of Proper Nutrition

soccer-kiddoI’m Shaping Up; Week 12

What happened to Week 11 you may be asking? Well, more travel equals less time to write, but well needed rest from most activities.

I have also decided to stop obsessing over the scale for a few weeks. My low-end weigh-in of 208 was so welcomed, but it made the slight bounce during travel too stressful.

It’s funny that after monitoring your caloric intake and physical output, you can tell where your body falls along the numeric tell-all.

Week 12

Here’s to holding each other accountable when the couch looks inviting and the snacks endless. Continue reading

Fitness Monday – The Power of Success

weightI stood on the scale while exhaling as hard as I could. I was hoping to end this week around 210lbs. I had not even smelled a carb all week, and enjoyed a solid return to my eating strategy. Looking down, I cannot say I was disappointed. Just the opposite, I was shocked. I was at 208 lbs, and not seen the “single digit” side of 200 since my weight marched upwards over two years ago.

I popped into the kitchen and grabbed the dreaded BP cup, and yep, in the 130’s over mid 90’s! this is the most key indicators in my quest to regain a healthy lifestyle.

This past weekend was our annual Thibodaux Volunteer Fireman’s Fair. When I tell you the food was amazing, it was amazing. I packed my… Continue reading

Fitness Monday – The Power of Perseverance

Created at

Created at

Perseverance is a key quality in law enforcement resilience and it is also a very helpful quality in police fitness training.

What is resilience?
Resilience is defined as the ability to bounce back from adversity, being elastic and having the capability to endure hardships.

Resilience is what we in law enforcement have to strive for in order to survive our careers with a sound mind, body and spirit.  It is what we need to be able to muster to be able to function well enough to enjoy many more happy and productive years after retirement from the job.

At we promoted the concept of Tactical Resilience which is a set of comprehensive wellness systems layered over each other, and working in concert, to build a healthy and effective law enforcement people and organizations.

The concept of tactical resilience is about creating effective wellness tactics that combine to develop efficient habits, that in turn construct superior survival, and performance, systems which promote healthy, competent and professional law enforcement officers.   One of those individual wellness tactics is the ability to persevere.  As in the old saying: “When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going!”.

Our CopsAlive Fitness recommendation is for you to find the mental toughness needed to… Continue reading

Fitness Monday – The Power of a Mentor

In law enforcement fitness a mentor can be one of your most effective tools to getting in shape and staying that way.

Our CopsAlive Fitness recommendation for this week is find a mentor to help you with your fitness. As you have read in the past few weeks Scott has asked Lt. Kim Lane to help him with his nutritional planning and Rae has been receiving advice from April Lea Gellatly a professional Triathlete & Atlanta-based Fitness Professional for CNNFitNation & a USATriathlon Certified Coach.

Mentoring is a relationship between two people where the more experienced, or more knowledgeable, person guides the less experienced or knowledgeable person as part of a personal developmental process. That process whether it is formal or informal is used for the relaying of knowledge, wisdom and support.

Mentoring is becoming much more common in many areas of business, commerce and even law enforcement. In the areas of health and fitness mentoring can be very effective in keeping you on track and guiding you based upon your mentor’s experience. It gives you support and encouragement and helps you get through those tough times when you want to quit.

Obviously, the more advanced version… Continue reading

Fitness Monday – The Power of Commitment


Scott Silverii’s “I’m Shaping Up; Week 7”

213, 137, 99 – HIKE! While losing a healthy level of fitness is not a game, it is fun and challenging to develop creative ways to regain it.

Racquetball, stadiums, dodge ball(?) Yep. Actually I watched.

I have mostly maintained strict adherence to Lt. Lane’s diet plan, but when the Kiddo is asking for his traditional Thursday night out at his favorite pizza place, I did have part of a child’s pepperoni. Of course, I’m not the reigning Ms. Louisiana like Kim is, so I ate it without guilt.

Back to the fun parts. Those huddle numbers are my weight, and BP. I’m stoked to see my… Continue reading

Fitness Monday – Training for Willpower

scott-chin-upEDITORS NOTE: Our Fitness Monday articles are an ongoing feature as follows Police Chief Scott Silverii, Ph.D. on his quest to lose weight and get into better shape. We are also keeping track of Warden Rae Timme with the Colorado Department of Corrections, a member of the CNN Fit Nation Team, as she prepares for the Nautica Malibu Triathlon on September 8. We all know that fitness is critical in law enforcement, but we don’t always do what we know is right. Over the next couple of months you can follow Scott, a Police Chief, and Rae a Department of Corrections Warden, as they open up their lives to you. We invite you to also participate in any way that you choose to improve, your fitness and, your ability to survive a career in law enforcement. We also encourage you… Continue reading

Fitness Monday – The Top 5 Reasons to Get Fit

Crawfish a South Louisiana Tradition

Crawfish A South Louisiana Tradition

Shaping Up!

Awesome Monday to all & it’s time to change the weekly title of this positive effort. I’m Shaping Up is just what it describes. I’ve been blessed to gain encouragement, training and diet support needed to launch a sensible approach to regaining my fitness.

Last week I introduced you to Lt. Kim Lane of the Thibodaux Police Department who volunteered to help with a diet that I could understand and most importantly; follow. It’s been a solid week and I have not strayed from this diet! If you can only imagine how much I love late-night ice cream, you would truly be impressed with this nutritional accomplishment.

Eating 5 to 6 times per day, I’ve yet to become… Continue reading

Fitness Monday – Have Backup

gymLast week was the most consistent training I’ve had in the last two years. Combinations of running, weights and cycling are benefits for committing to regaining holistic health. Being held accountable and supporting friends in their efforts also helps. It does require a lifestyle change to change your lifestyle.

While the exercise has returned to being enjoyable and I am doing better at scheduling my time more wisely, I’ve not had the same success in dieting. Continue reading Fitness Monday

trail-bikingsmEDITORS NOTE: This is fitness week three as follows Police Chief Scott Silverii, Ph.D. on his quest to lose weight and get into better shape. We are also keeping track of Warden Rae Timme with the Colorado Department of Corrections, a member of the CNN Fit Nation Team, as she prepares for the Nautica Malibu Triathlon on September 8. We all know that fitness is critical in law enforcement, but we don’t always do what we know is right. Over the next couple of months you can follow Scott, a Police Chief, and Rae a Department of Corrections Warden, as they open up their lives to you. We invite you to also participate in any way that you choose to improve, your fitness and, your ability to survive a career in law enforcement. We also encourage you to support Scott and Rae with your comments, emails, Tweets and Facebook entries.

Last Monday I announced my partnership with It also meant the added pressure of extra accountability and less breaking my diet and exercise commitments. Unfortunately, pressure does not lock the freezer from late night ice cream binges.

I did however, use the BMI link and measure everything spreadsheet to set goals and monitor my intake and activities. John Marx has included more great information and we all encourage you to join us in setting goals for regaining a physical, emotional and spiritual level of health.

Here’s to holding each other accountable… Continue reading

New Fitness Partnership for Cops


2010 @ 180 lbs

EDITORS NOTE: is proud to announce a new partnership with Police Chief Scott Silverii, Ph.D. This week we are posting the first in a series of fitness blogs written by Scott as he works to improve his personal fitness. We invite you to participate yourself in any way that you want to improve your fitness and ability to survive a career in law enforcement and we encourage to support Scott with your comments and emails. Scott started his journey on his blog last week and we are partnering with him from now on.

I started posting this on my blog just 2 weeks ago to motivate myself to regain healthy habits, encourage others to join in by setting their own goals for holistic health, and creating a forum for sensible information and accountability.

Last week, I spoke with John Marx at who offered to partner. They provide fantastic practical information ranging from health to spiritual survival. Our plan is to post every Monday. I will give you a brief update of my progress, will provide awesome information, and you guys will share your thoughts, progress, and challenges in the comments.

To catch the readers up at, I posted my first week’s goals and status below.

Nothing overly scientific, just common sense and sensible. I’m looking forward to a healthy partnership with John and his staff at

Week 2 Update is also included below. Thanks and please join us by sharing your goals, challenged and updates.

My Original Post
I weighed a super healthy 180 lbs the day I was sworn in as the Chief of Police. One year later, I was at 225 lbs. Sound familiar? Granted, that first year as Chief also included my last year of a PhD program. Still, having dropped from a 260lbs powerlifter to a 180lbs triathlete (very recreational) showed I had the ability.

Christmas morning 2011, I hit the scale, and it hit back with a reading of… Continue reading