Ten Tips Toward Total Wellness for Police Officers

CopsAlive.com offers law enforcement professionals a list of Ten Tips Toward Total Wellness for Police Officers with supporting information from the Mayo Clinic and other health professionals.

1. Drink Lot’s of Water
2. Get Eight Hours of Sleep
3. Control Your Stress
4. Reduce Your Intake of High Fructose Corn Syrup Continue reading

Take a Virtual Tour of the U.S. National Law Enforcement Museum (opening in 2013)

From the early days of the night watch in the 1600s to the high-tech criminal investigations of the 21st century, discover a history that has largely gone untold — the history of American law enforcement — a profession that serves a vital and valued role in our society.

The National Law Enforcement Museum will be a hands-on, interactive museum providing an opportunity to walk in an officer’s shoes… Continue reading

A Cop with a Plan for Business

I came across E.L. Forestal while posting some CopsAlive information on the social network Twitter (visit us at www.Twitter.com/copsalive) and noticed that he has several internet businesses running and he is a working police officer.  I contacted him and learned that he is an eight year veteran of the Kokomo Police Department in Indiana and because of so many requests from his friends about how to become a police officer he created two training programs about how to pass the police exam and how to succeed in a police oral-board interview.  Also because of his sports background he has created an online fitness  program called “Fit with a Cop”.

I am always looking for officers with a “back-up” plan to provide extra income and insurance against working in patrol until you are 65 years old and Forestal told me that… Continue reading

Getting Broken in on the Job at C.O.P.S.

Guest Posting By: Brooke McKay, Marketing Coordinator, Concerns of Police Survivors, Inc.

I arrived at C.O.P.S. Spouses’ Retreat the weekend of September 18-21,
2009, at the YMCA Trout Lodge in Potosi, Missouri, after only one month
as the Marketing Coordinator for Concerns of Police Survivors.  I knew
the organization dealt with death, dying, and grief; yet I was not
prepared for what I saw. I was instantly introduced to a young widow who
was there for the first time.  She was 25 years old, just one year older
than me. While I smiled as I meet all the spouses, I could not get the
young widow out of my head.

Part of my job that weekend was to interview… Continue reading

What’s the Point of All This Work as a Cop?

If you’ve followed my writings for a while, you may have noticed my slant on financial planning for police officers is less about money and more about a rewarding and satisfying life.  Money is a necessary part of life, but not the purpose of it.  Sometimes as cops, we get so focused on earning money, that we forget what that money is for.

Here is a tale that always brings me back to reality when it’s easy to miss the forest for the trees.   I’ve seen this many places so I don’t know who credit as the original author.

“It had been almost two years since the American businessman, with an MBA from a prestigious Ivy League school, took a vacation.  He had a very important role as a business advisor at… Continue reading

“Officer Down”—Now What?

The worst news any law enforcement agency can hear is that an officer has been killed.  How does an agency respond to those devastating words, “Officer down”?

Since 1996, Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) has provided highly acclaimed training to help agencies deal with officer death, injury, disability, police suicide, and the after effects of losing a close co-worker.  The “Traumas of Law Enforcement” is recommended for Chiefs, Superintendents, Sheriffs, Chaplains, Dispatchers, Benefits Assistance Officers, Planning and Research officers, Employee Assistance employees, Liaison Officers, Special Operations Divisions, Victim Assistance personnel, any law enforcement officer, law enforcement family member, or law enforcement survivor.

While the “Traumas of Law Enforcement” trainings have usually been funded through Federal grants to Concerns of Police Survivors, C.O.P.S. paid the $90,000 cost for these trainings out of their general account in 2008 and raised funds from Streamlight®, GLOCK®, Harley-Davidson, the 100 Club of Houston, TX, and the Maryland and Indiana Chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors for the 2009 trainings.  C.O.P.S. is now able to redirect funds from their general account and corporate contributions to other C.O.P.S. programs thanks to a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs of the U.S. Department of Justice.  In May 2009, BJA announced a $1.5 million, 20-month grant to C.O.P.S. to fund the “Traumas of Law Enforcement” for 2010 and 2011.

The training is a three-day seminar, totaling 21 hours, providing law enforcement agencies with the tools needed… Continue reading

IACP Conference Addresses Police Wellness

Over 13,000 registrants and hundreds of other walk in law enforcement officers attended the 116th annual International Association of Chief of Police conference this week and among the dozens of topics were educational seminars on the issues of police suicide, stress management, wellness, nutrition and the role of sports medicine in officer safety and wellness.  The presenters came from the Los Angeles Police Department Behavioral Sciences Unit, The Denver Police Department and the Fairfax County Police Department.

Of the resources made available… Continue reading

CopsAlive Supports Project Blue Light!

Let your blue lights shine for law enforcement during the holidays

For the past 21 years, Concerns of Police Survivors has asked law enforcement families, surviving families, and police supporters to burn a blue light in their windows during the holiday season. The blue light is symbolic of our remembrance of those officers who have made the supreme sacrifice and honors those officers who continue to work the violent streets of our nation.

The idea began in 1988 when Mrs. Dolly Craig wrote to C.O.P.S. that she would be putting two blue candles in her living room window that holiday season. One for her son-in-law, Daniel Gleason, who had been killed… Continue reading

Carnival Dream Has Launched

Carnival Cruise Lines has just launched it’s newest, biggest and best ship ever The Carnival Dream.  Why is that important?  Among other things, because it is going to host the Third Annual CopsAlive Cruise this coming January 9th-16th 2010.  Our Law Enforcement Retreat at Sea is part of a larger group of Internet Marketers that reserve a large portion of the ship to hold meetings and mastermind sessions.  I choose this group because I believe that starting and running an internet business is a perfect fit for people in law enforcement and owning a business is so much better than just working… Continue reading

How Much is Your Life Worth? Part III

Previously we calculated how much we are really worth per hour as police officers and how it is far less than we thought. Now I hope to pull it all together into a usable concept. Believe it or not, figuring your true hourly wage is all about debt. Doing this exercise will help you get, and stay out of, debt forever. The reason we all go into debt is to overcome some unhappiness in our life.

We as police officers and sheriff’s deputies use debt to live a life we really can’t… Continue reading