Cops helping other Cops

Today is Law Day in the U.S. and the theme from the American Bar Association this year, which is the bicentennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, is “A Legacy of Liberty”.  As we held our state ceremony at the Colorado Law Enforcement Memorial I thought about all those police officers who have given their lives to create that Legacy of Liberty in the United States and all those still serving who sacrifice their lives and perhaps part of their souls each day Continue reading

CopsAlive Wants Your Opinion

CopsAlive was founded to help police officers, sheriffs deputies and other law enforcement professionals survive their career and be able to live happy, healthy and successful lives on the job and beyond.

We know that there are a lot of challenges between you and that successful life and we also know that there isn’t a lot of research to answer some of the major questions about the hidden dangers of police work and why cops have a higher incidence of cancer, divorce, stress related issues, alcoholism etc than the general population. Until we are able to fund our own research we have to start somewhere and that is with all of you in the profession. At least CopsAlive can survey the opinions of policing professionals and determine where more long term research needs to be conducted. To that end we are asking you to participate in one of our anonymous surveys.

Currently CopsAlive has four surveys in the field. They are:

CopsAlive Mixed Topic Opinion SurveyCLICK HERE to take this survey
This survey asks questions about your opinions of the job and the risks inheirent within our profession.

CopsAlive Perfect Retirement Survey CLICK HERE to take this survey
This survey asks questions about your vision of your retirement and obstacles between you and a perfect retirement.

Personal Threat Assessment SurveyCLICK HERE to take this survey
This survey asks questions about what threats you perceive to your life and career.

CopsAlive Online Networking SurveyCLICK HERE to take this survey
This quick survey asks about how you communicate so we as law enforcement professionals can find better ways to stay in touch and communicate most effectively.

These are all short and quick surveys to take and will not waste your time. We will publish the findings of each on CopsAlive once we have established a broad enough bases for the survey.

We will also add new surveys as the need arises so please check the SURVEYS Tab on the CopsAlive main page.

Thank you!

How Do Cops Communicate, Learn and Share Ideas on the Internet?

CopsAlive wants to know how you communicate with each other and get information on the Internet.  We’re not talking about Google, Yahoo or other search engines here we are wondering about how police officers use the many social networking tools available on the internet like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Ning, LinkedIn, Hi5, Tagged, Skyrock, Friendster and others. Continue reading Needs Your Ideas and Input!

CopsAlive needs your help. Our mission is to create a forum for cops to help other cops by engaging in discussions and sharing ideas and information to help each other plan for happy, healthy and successful lives on the job and beyond the job.

Most of all we need readers. If you like what you are reading here please pass it on. Send a link or a note to all of your law enforcement friends online or tell them to check out Continue reading

CopsAlive Cruise 2009 a Success!

Beach at The Baths on Virgin Gorda BVI

Beach at "The Baths" on Virgin Gorda BVI

The CopsAlive Cruise 2009 is over and it was a tremendous success. We travelled from Fort Lauderdale Florida to the beautiful Caribbean Sea.  We travelled to the islands of St. Marteen, St. Kitts and Tortola.  Some of us also took a short excursion over to the island of Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands.  There were seven police officers in our larger group which also included the wedding party for one of the cops.   We had a fun and relaxing time under the sun on the Carnival Miracle as it cruised between these beautiful islands of the Caribbean.

CopsAlive was also part of a larger group of 267 internet… Continue reading

Merry Christmas to Law Enforcement Officers Around the World

Police Officers are a very giving and charitable group.  I have never visited a police or sheriff’s department where the staff and officers or deputies weren’t involved in many charities within their communities.  Many cops and corrections officers donate their time and money to help children, animals, families in need, our schools, and churches etc.  I expect that if you can find a charity, then you can find some cops involved to help them.

At this time of year everyone has these things on their minds but cops do these things year round.  We at CopsAlive want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, or best wishes on any holiday that you celebrate and we want to wish you all a very safe, happy and healthy New Year.  Thanks for all the great things you do all year long!

Every Cop Should Have a Backup

I know this is age old wisdom and since I’ve been preaching “having a plan” for six months on this site, you would think that I would have had a back up.  Last week the CopsAlive site was hacked for the third time in it’s short six month lifespan.  Both other times the web hosting service had a backup file that could be restored but not this time, this time it was corrupted.  So as a wonderful learning lesson on the six month anniversary of CopsAlive we were down and out for a week.

We are back and if you’ll be patient we will manually upload all the old content and try to put CopsAlive back together again. Here’s a short audio message from our editor.

Thanks for your patience and thanks for your loyal readership for six months.  We have some great things in store, so please stay tuned.  And if you are running a website or any kind of web business (which I think you should be!) please learn from my lesson and have a backup that is in your control!

We’re Back

Thanks for your patience everyone while we work out some back-end issues.  We lost all of our content from our short six months in operation but we expect everything to be rebuilt better than new.

We will be back as your are accustomed very soon, and we thank you for your continued support!

Cops, Blogging and Business

Cops and other law enforcement professionals are just like other people when it comes to wanting a way to increase their income. Many like me have taken to creating side business on the internet and in that vein several people have asked me lately for resources intended for bloggers.  So like a good blogger, I decided to write an article to describe some of my thoughts.

Can you earn a living on the internet?  Some say so, and many say the way to build your base of support is through blogging or writing a frequent article on a blog or web log. Continue reading